Wednesday, December 11, 2019

If you're not familiar with the mark of the beast, then bible prophecy says there will come a time when no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. If you don't believe in the bible or the God of the bible, but live to see this prophecy come about, will you change your mind then? Will you share this with your kids, in case they live to experience this prophecy?

My tattoo story of the Pokemon Mark of the Beast... One time back in the late 90's, I had a friend use their homemade tattoo gun to give me a Pokemon tattoo. It was a shit job, but it eventually showed me something deeper. I found that when the tat was given more, it looked like shark infested waters with 2 people in a dingy boat. Then I was like, "This looks like the beginning signs of the Mark of the Beast, where no one shall buy or sell without the mark of the beast."


Some countries have begun to implement such a digital chipping into the same area of the hand where my tattoo is. The New World Order Government will eventually cause all people who are willing to take this mark. And those who do not take it will be hunted down and killed. 

Some countries are already playing with this technology. Many put this technology into the hands of their citizens or employees, especially in Sweden. When it comes time to implement this mark to all people, that is when it will be the mark of the beast where you cannot buy or sell without it.

Every prophecy in the bible has been fulfilled, except those that have not yet happened, which will be happening in the future. If you, who is reading this, lives to see this prophecy come about, the bible warns us do not take this mark.

When I see my tattoo in this form, I see the government surrounding us like a shark in the vast ocean, with nowhere to run from the shark's mark of the beast. Being poked, like the name Pokemon, with a digital microchip, means there will no longer be any cash money. Yet, those who come to Christ, in the specific way that Jesus instructs us, they will not endure the worst-case scenario. Love you all.

These videos talk about Bible prophecies that have already been fulfilled.

The Anti-Christ will come in as the leader of the world with the new world order - one world government making a peace treaty with Israel, deceiving many into thinking he is the epitome of peace for a period of three years. Then, in the fourth year, he will demand that all people, (apart from indigenous tribes living off the land who take no part in governments or buying and selling), that all people who buy and sell will take the mark of the beast, where no one will be able to buy or sell without that mark. 

No other ancient religious texts speak of this prophecy except for the bible. The last three years of this prophecy is the end of the world, for those who haven't surrendered their life to Christ, which is devastating.

This 3-minute video reveals many politicians, including Bush Sr., Biden, and Bill Clinton speaking of the need to eventually bring in the New World Order. 

The Anti-Christ will be the leader of the One World Government. Many will assume this leader is God. 
Don't fall for it.

Revelation 3:10
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

The Rapture, The Seven Trumpets 
and The End of the World

If a bunch of people disappear off the earth, then bible prophecy says those people will automatically be caught up in Heaven with Jesus before great calamity and destruction comes to end our world. If you live through the great tribulation, then do not take the mark of the beast and put all of your trust in Jesus, repent and abide by Him. 

Don't get me wrong, people who've had NDE's where Jesus plucks them out of hell and tells them to go back to earth and tell people that hell is real, some people might have a sporting chance of being plucked out of hell, yet I would not rely on that for your salvation. God is merciful and forgiving to those who have already been saved while alive, so do not wait until you're dead to see if God has mercy on your soul; it's not worth the gamble. I gave Mila the nightgown in my dream by the way, because I love her with concern, but that doesn't mean anything.

Whether you experience the tribulation or not, surrendering your life to Christ, by putting all of your trust in Him is the wise gamble, because the question remains, WHAT IF HELL IS REAL? It doesn't matter what you believe, hell just might be a fact. Gambling with your own, puny-human explanations is unwise when it comes to death. You are not a God, I am not a God, so get rid of your self-righteousness by giving your life to Christ through the Holy Spirit.

UNI-VERSE Sam Eagle. Uni means One and Verse means Word, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. Jesus is the Word come down to speak to us unruly, rug rats in hopes that we listen and abide with humility.

For the MEN, if you or anybody you know has hit rock bottom and needs a lift up out of the pits, then consider Freedom House for MEN. Donations are greatly appreciated for this non-profit campus.